Home > Works
Jim Carroll's Work
Updated 9 April 2010
Jim Carroll's published ouvre includes literary works, recordings,
and films. In the index below, the main headings link to broad
overviews for individual categories, while the subcategory headings
link to more detailed subcategory overviews (where you can also
order items online). The subcategory indexes link to details about
individual works.
section covers written work by and about Jim Carroll, divided
into the following subcategories: |
of the items on this page are extremely rare. (Broadsides
are "posters" featuring, usually, a single poem.) |
Translaions of Jim Carroll's books around the world. |
section covers recorded works by Carroll, divided into the
following subcategories: |
page links to lyrics for all of Carroll's songs (including
collaborations with other artists), cross-linked to detail
pages about individual albums. |
small collection of Jim Carroll's writings available full-text
on this website and elsewhere on the Web. |
page provides a brief overview of each film. Where available,
I have provided online ordering links and links to additional
information. |
Rarities |
pages center on hard-to-find, rare, and collectible Jim Carroll
works. |
Adaptations & Covers |