Home > Works > Limited Editions & Broadsides
Limited Editions &
Updated 25 August 2009
The publications described on this page are "limited
editions"-- all of them are extremely rare. I have attempted
to describe the salient features and provide an image whenever possible.
If you're hoping to purchase these items, try eBay
and bibliofind.
Published in Heaven Chapbook 50
White Fields Press (1994)
This 8.75"x5.75" chapbook is printed on white, glossy
stock. It includes "8 Fragments for Kurt Cobain"
(Rpt. in VoC 1-5), an interview with Carroll by Danny
O'Bryan and Mark Reese, and photographs from Carroll's reading
at Twice Told Coffeehouse in Louisville October 1, 1994. Issued
in a limited edition of 300, with 26 signed/lettered copies
and 100 signed/numbered copies. View details >> |
Walker Art Center Reading Series 1980-1981
Toothpaste Press for Bookslinger (1980)
Carroll's is one of 20 broadsides issued for the Walker Art
Center Reading Series. All
copies are printed on varying shades of Canson Mi-Tientes
paper; "A Poet Dies" is on maroon-colored paper.
There were 125 numbered and signed copies (the copy shown
here appears to be #50), with 54 complete sets of the signed/numbered
edition presented in a white Fabriano folder; the label on
the cover is by Al Buck. There were also 26 complete sets,
lettered and signed, presented in a grey fabric-covered box.
View details >>
Yanagi Broadside Series
West Coast Print Center (1977)
This broadside, designed by Marc Blane and Louis Patler, is
printed in red ink on grey paper, and is illustrated with a
photo of Marc Blane's sculptured red clay images (which also
illustrate the Tombouctou edition of The Basketball Diaries).
Measures approximately 17" x 11."
View details >>
Adventures in Poetry (1973)
Mimeographed 8.5"x11" pamphlet containing one
poem each by Jim Carroll and Lewis MacAdams, and cover illustration
by George Schneeman. It was printed to promote a reading
at the Poetry Project in New York. "A Window in Cherry Valley"
is Carroll's work. View details >> |
Angel Hair Press (1970)
Five poems in a mimeographed eight-page, limited edition
(300 copies) pamphlet. Includes "Blue Poles," "Love Rockets,"
"Styro," "Poem on My Son's Birthday," and "To a Poetess";
all of these are reprinted in Living at the Movies.
The cover art is by Donna Dennis. There were 13 special
copies, numbered 1-13, with a piece of hair and signatures
of the author and artist. View details >> |
Penny Press (1967)
This 17-page pamphlet contains 18 poems and is Carroll's
first book. It has a grey, staple-bound, card-paper cover
and measures 8"x5.5" Approximately 500 copies
were printed. View details >> |