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Translations & Foreign Editions
Updated 26 August 2009
The Basketball Diaries
Russian translation
Translated by Ekaterina Matveeva
Alex Kervey, Editor-in-Chief
Moscow: Adaptec, T-ough Press / AST, 2005
Norwegian translation of The Basketball Diaries
Translated by Per Ivar Martinsen
Oslo: Erika Forlag, 1996
For information
on purchasing this translation, e-mail the translator: mombi@online.no.
The Basketball Diaries & The Book of Nods
London: Faber & Faber, 1987
Finnish translation of The Basketball Diaries
Translated by Asmo Koste
Helsinki: Nastamuumio,
For information
on purchasing this translation, e-mail the publisher: nastis@nettilinja.fi.
Entra Nel Campo Di Basket:
Diario Di Un Adolescente Nelle Strade Di New York
("Jim on the Basketball Court:
Diary of an Adolescent on the Streets of New York")
Italinslated by Tullio Dobner
Frassinelli, 1995
Jim Ha Cambiato Strada
("Jim Has Changed Road")
Italian translation of Forced Entries
Translated by Tullio Dobner
Frassinelli, 1996

Japanese translation of The Basketball Diaries
Tokyo: Shobun-sha
2-1-12, Sotokanda
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0021
available in Japanese translation from Shobun-sha: The Book
of Nods, Forced Entries, Living at the Movies
New Yorker Oden
("Little New York Ode")
German translation of selected poems from Living at the Movies
Translated by Michael Zöllner
Tropen Verlag, 1996
Try www.amazon.de
den Straßen von New York
("In the Streets of New York")
German translation of The Basketball Diaries
Munich: Piper Books
Gmd H. & Co.
KG, Munich
The Basketball Diaries
French translation
Paris: Editiones 10/18 Publishers
12, Avenue de Italie
726 27
Paris, Cedex 13
The Basketball Diaries
French translation (film tie-in)
Paris: Editiones 10/18 Publishers, 1995
12, Avenue de Italie
726 27 Paris, Cedex 13
Basketball Diary
Spanish translation
Translated by Ricardo González Bertazioli
Producciones Editoriales, Barcelona, 1982.
Diario De Un Rebelde
("Diary of a Rebel")
Spanish version of The Basketball Diaries film
Barcelona: Ediciones B
SA, Bailen, 84
08009 Barcelona, Spain
Zapisky z Basketbalovejch Let
Czech translation of The Basketball Diaries
Riegrova street 33, Olomouc, Czech Republic
available in Czech translation: Forced Entries.
Danish translation of The Basketball Diaries
Copenhagen: Borgen, 2001
Also available on audiocassette.
Van Een LijmSnuivertje
Dutch translation of The Basketball Diaries
Amber Publishers
Other Translations
Swedish translation of The Basketball Diaries