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The Basketball Diaries film
Updated 22 August 2009
These pages offer reviews and commentary of Scott Kalvert's The Basketball Diaries,
a film based upon Jim Carroll's autobiographical book of the same
title. Because the film is at best tangential to Jim Carroll's work and biography, what
you will find here is not especially praiseful of the film. Leonardo DiCaprio is a
wonderful actor, but these pages are not going to discuss DiCaprio's work or talent. If
you are a die-hard DiCaprio fan looking for effusively positive reviews of his work, go to
the beautifully-done Official Leonardo
DiCaprio Website or the Unofficial Leonardo
DiCaprio Website.
Scene-by-Scene Guide
Compares each scene in the film to entries in the book.
Jim Carroll's Comments
Carroll offered comments on the film following a spoken-word performance in 1996.
Problems with the Film
Cassie Carter points out the many biographical inaccuracies in the film.
Another Fan's Perspective
Robin Ladrach reviews the film.
The Book
Information about Jim Carroll's book, The Basketball Diaries
Controversies Surrounding the Book
and Film
Articles, discussion, and links concerning the shootings in Kentucky and Colorado and
other controversies.