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Online Discussion and News
Jim Carroll Discussion List
This list is a lively community forum for discussing Jim Carroll. We've been together for many years and strong friendships have developed. As a result, the conversation doesn't always (or even often) stick to the primary topic of the list! Check out the archives and join the group > |
Catholic Boy News
This low-volume newsletter offers announcements of Jim Carroll news and website updates, posted by the owner/webmaster of CatholicBoy.com, with no community discussion. Check out the archives and subscribe > |
Old Jim Carroll List Archives
These archives contain all messages posted to the e-Groups and Yahoo!Groups versions of the Jim Carroll List from May 1998 through May 2006. The Yahoo!Groups Jim Carroll List is no longer active. However, you
must be a member to view the archives. I know it's a pain, but I hope to prevent
spammers from harvesting email addresses.
Old Catholic Boy News Archives
These archives contain all announcements and news items posted to the Yahoo!Groups and SmartGroups versions of the Catholic Boy Newsletter from June 1998 through May 2006. No
longer active.