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Works Cited

Shit Into Gold: Jim Carroll's The Basketball Diaries and Forced Entries

Allen, Donald, ed. The New American Poetry. New York: Grove, 1960.

Appel, Alfred Jr. Introduction. Nabokov xv-lxxi.

Berrigan, Ted. "Jim Carroll." Culture Hero 1.5 (1969): 9-10.

Bockris, Victor. Warhol. London: Muller, 1989.

Borden, Jeff. "Jim Carroll: Pain Paved Way to Better Life for Rocker." Columbus (Ohio) Evening Dispatch 11 Feb. 1981. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1980-81, fiche 101, grid F4.

Cain, Scott. "Rock Star Poet Jim Carroll Comes to Atlanta." Atlanta (Ga.) Journal 13 Mar. 1981. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1980-81, fiche 123, grid E10.

Camus, Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays. Trans. Justin O'Brien. New York: Vintage, 1955.

Carroll, Jim. "Author's Note." The Basketball Diaries: Age 12-15. By Jim Carroll. Bolinas, CA: Tombouctou-Lamplighter, 1978. xi.

---. The Basketball Diaries. New York: Penguin, 1987.

---. "The Basketball Diaries [Excerpts]." Paris Review 13.50 (1970): 94-14.

---. The Book of Nods. New York: Penguin, 1986.

---. Forced Entries: The Downtown Diaries: 1971-1973. New York: Penguin, 1987.

---. 4 Ups and 1 Down. New York: Angel Hair, 1970.

---. "From a Diary [November 6, 1962]." Adventures in Poetry 2 (1968): 65.

---. "Kitten (Self Pity)." Big Sky 9 (1975): 25.

---. Living at the Movies. New York: Penguin, 1981.

---. Organic Trains. [New Jersey]: Penny Press, 1967.

---. Personal Interview. 7 July 1989.

---. Poetry Reading. Spirit Club, San Diego. 7 July 1989.

---. "Red Rabbit Running Backwards (for A.W.)." Stone Wind 4 (1973?): 113.

Caruso, Joyce. "Rock, Poetry, and 'Kid Energy': Jim Carroll." Elle Mar. 1988: 98-100.

Cooney, Seamus. Rev. of Living at the Movies. Library Journal 98 (1973): 3270.

Damsker, Matt. "Carroll: From Poet to Rock 'n' Roller." (Philadelphia, Penn.) Evening Bulletin 17 Dec. 1980. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1980-81, fiche 101, grid F5.

Delacorte, Peter. "A Follow-Through Beyond the Hoop." Rev. of Forced Entries. San Francisco (California) Examiner and Chronicle 12 July 1987. Newsbank, Literature Index, 1987, fiche 15, grid E3-4.

The Dial-a-Poem Poets. The Dial-a-Poem Poets. Giorno Poetry Systems, GPS 001, 1972.

---. Better an Old Demon Than a New God. Giorno Poetry Systems, [catalogue number not available], 1984.

---. Disconnected. Giorno Poetry Systems, GPS 003, 1974.

---. Life is a Killer. Giorno Poetry Systems, GPS 027, 1982.

---. You're a Hook: The 15 Year Anniversary of Dial-a-Poem. Giorno Poetry Systems, GPS 030, 1983.

Eliot, Marc. Death of a Rebel. New York: Watts, 1989.

Farber, J. "Jim Carroll's Second Coming." Rev. of Catholic Boy. Village Voice 17 Dec. 1980: 96+.

Fissinger, Laura. "The Transformation of Jim Carroll." Musician, Player and Listener Feb. 1981: 16+.

Flippo, Chet. "A Star is Borning." New York 26 Jan. 1981: 32-35.

Graustark, Barbara. "Mean Streets." Newsweek 8 Sep. 1980: 80-81.

Green, William. "Latest 'Urban Poet" Singer Fails with 'Catholic Boy"." Rev. of Catholic Boy. (Little Rock) Arkansas Gazette 17 May 1981. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1981-82, fiche 34, grid B5.

Hirschberg, Lynn. "Jim Carroll: The Vision Explodes." BAM 15 Aug. 1980: 24-27.

Hochswender, William. "The Way They Were in Greenwich Village." Rev. of Forced Entries. Los Angeles Times Book Review 18 Oct. 1987: 10.

Infusino, Divina. "A Catholic Boy." Milwaukee (Wisc.) Journal 18 Feb. 1981. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1980-81, fiche 101, grid F6-7.

Irving, Karl. "Visions From a Razor's Edge." Daily Nexus 22 May 1986: 1A+.

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James, Jamie. Rev. of The Basketball Diaries. American Book Review 2.3 (1980): 9.

Jefferson, Margo. "Bringing It All Back Home: 'Sixties' Voices in the 'Eighties." Rev. of Forced Entries. Vogue July 1987: 110.

"Jim Carroll." Contemporary Authors: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Authors and Their Works Vol. 45-48. Detroit: Gale, 1974. 89.

The Jim Carroll Band. Catholic Boy. Atco-Atlantic, SD 38-132, 1980.

---. Dry Dreams. Atco-Atlantic, SD 38-145, 1982.

---. I Write Your Name. Atlantic, 7 80123-1, 1984.

Kenton, Gary. "Carroll's Got an Interesting Story." New Haven (Conn.) Register 27 Feb. 1981. Newsbank, Performing Arts Index, 1980-81, fiche 101, grid F8.

Kuennen, Cassie Carter. "Jim Carroll: An Annotated, Selective, Primary and Secondary Bibliography, 1967-1988." Bulletin of Bibliography 47.2 (1990): 81-112.

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Levin, Eric. Rev. of I Write Your Name. People Weekly 21 May 1984: 34+.

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Margolis, Susan. "100 American Seducers On Their Craft & Sullen Art." Rolling Stone 16 Aug. 1973: 42-49.

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Morris, Charles R. A Time of Passion: America 1960-1980. New York: Harper, 1984.

Mutter, John. Rev. of Forced Entries. Publishers Weekly 5 June 1987: 73.

Nabokov, Vladimir. The Annotated Lolita. Ed. Alfred Appel, Jr. New York: McGraw, 1970.

Norton, Mark J. "Jim Carroll's Rock 'n' Roll Heart-On." Creem Mar. 1981: 32+.

---. "The Wide World of Drugs." Rev. of The Basketball Diaries. Creem Apr. 1980: 46-47.

Perry, Tony. "2 Sets of 'Diaries' Show Off New York City's Seediness." (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) Patriot 26 July 1987. Newsbank, Literature Index, 1987, fiche 15, grid E5-6.

Platenga, Bart. "Jim Carroll's Basketball Diaries: Street Cool Huck Finn Dope Diary." Overthrow 14.2 (1980): 19.

Poetry In Motion. Videocassette. Prod. Sphinx Productions, in assoc. with Giorno Poetry Systems. Dir. Ron Mann. Voyager Press, 1983. 90 min.

Pollock, Bruce. "On Record: Popular Music." Rev. of I Write Your Name. Wilson Library Bulletin 58 (1984): 746-47.

Reese, William L. Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion: Eastern and Western Thought. New Jersey: Humanities, 1980.

Rev. of Forced Entries. Jim Kobak's Kirkus Reviews 55.9 (1987): 767.

Riegel, Richard. "Subterranean Urbanesque Blues." Rev. of Catholic Boy. Creem Feb. 1981: 44.

Rilke, Rainer Maria. The Duino Elegies. Trans. Stephen Garmey and Jay Wilson. New York: Harper, 1972.

Rimbaud, Arthur. Arthur Rimbaud: Complete Works. Trans. Paul Schmidt. New York: Perennial-Harper, 1976.

Rivers, Clarice. "The Catholic Boy Confesses: Jim Carroll." Interview Jan. 1980: 54-55.

Skerl, Jennie. William S. Burroughs. Ed. Warren French. Twayne's United States Authors Ser. 438. Boston: Twayne, 1985.

Smith, Patti. Babel. New York: Putnam's, 1978.

Stevens, Mark. "The Cockroach Chronicles." Rev. of Forced Entries. New York Times Book Review 2 Aug. 1987, sec. 7: 8.

Sugarman, Danny. Rev. of I Write Your Name. Creem June 1984: 55.

Sukenick, Ronald. Down and In: Life in the Underground. New York: Beech Tree-Morrow, 1987.

Sutherland, S. "Rapping with a Catholic Boy." Melody Maker 18 July 1981: 19.

Sweeting, Adam. Rev. of Dry Dreams. Melody Maker 22 May 1982: 29.

Tearson, Michael. Rev. of Dry Dreams. Audio 66.8 (1982): 23.

Tucker, Ken. "Jim Carroll's a Legend Before His Time." Rev. of Catholic Boy. Los Angeles (Calif.) Herald Examiner 24 Oct. 1980. Newsbank, Literature Index, 1980-81, fiche 22, grid A8-9.

---. "Rock Endures." Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History of Rock & Roll. By Ed Ward, Geoffrey Stokes, and Ken Tucker. New York: Rolling Stone-Summit, 1986. 575-83.

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Wynne-Davies, Marion. Prentice Hall Guide to English Literature. New York: Prentice, 1990.

Copyright ©1990 Cassie Carter. This material may not be reprinted except by permission from the author.


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