Home > Background > Important Places
Jim Carroll: Important Places
Updated 2 September 2009
section offers interactive maps that allow you to see map
locations of key Jim Carroll-related sites in New York City,
as well as photographs of the sites, explanatory text, and
related links. There are also links to websites of other
important Jim Carroll locations.
Jim Carroll's New York City: HTML
(Created October 1996; updated September 2009)
The interactive HTML version is clunky
but it's a little more up-to-date than the Flash version at the moment. You must have JavaScript enabled for it
to work.
Carroll's New York City: FLASH (January 2002)
The Flash version is animated and fully interactive, and
jam-packed with details! It's a big file, so be prepared
to let it download for a while.
Carroll's Bolinas: FLASH
(March 2002)
This "first draft" Flash movie offers an exclusive virtual tour
of Bolinas, California, where Jim Carroll lived during the 1970s.
to Other Important Places
Poetry Project at St. Mark's-in-the-Bowery
Founded in 1966, the Poetry Project is where Jim Carroll
really got his start as a writer and spoken-word performer.
He began attending writing workshops but barely said a word
until he had published his first book, Organic Trains; with
this, he introduced himself to the great artists who would
become his mentors -- the most important one being Ted Berrigan.
Carroll then served as Poetry Project director Anne Waldman's
assistant. Carroll continues to read regularly at Poetry
Project events.
Folklore Center
110 MacDougal Street, NYC
Jim Carroll gave his very first poetry reading here. It's
now a falafel joint. Here's a page about it at Walkin'
New York.
Kansas City
Max's was the place to be in the late 1960s through
the 1970s, and it features prominently in Carroll's Forced
Entries. Picture Andy Warhol and his entourage hanging
out in the legendary backroom while the Velvet Underground
plays upstairs . . . in fact, on the Velvet Underground's
Live at Max's Kansas City album, you can hear Jim
Carroll talking between songs (he was holding the microphone).
If you're interested in Max's, also check out the Max's
Kansas City Project, a nonprofit organization supporting
the arts, at www.maxskansascity.org.
Located at the upper tip of Manhattan, Inwood is the neighborhood
in which Jim Carroll spent the majority of his youth, and
it features prominently in The Basketball Diaries.
Here are some miscellaneous links to pages and sites about
New York: Inwood
Voice: Closeup on Inwood
Burns's Inwood Pages
Here are links to the websites of schools Carroll attended.
Shepherd School -- sorry, not an interesting link.
Trinity School
Columbia University
Carroll gave his first rock 'n' roll performance, with Patti
Smith, at the California Theatre in San Diego, 1978.
Mabuhay Gardens
The Jim Carroll Band played here frequently in its early
days. Here's
a link.