° Love Crimes
° (No More) Luxuries
° Voices
° Sweet Jane (by Lou Reed)
° Hold Back the Dream
° Freddy's Store
° Black Romance
° I Write Your Name
° Low Rider
° Dance the Night Away
Liner Notes
This Album
is dedicated to the memories of Ted Berrigan (1934-1983) and Brian Marnell (1954-1983).
Lenny Kaye: Guitar
Steve Linsley: Bass
Jim Carroll: Vocals
Paul Sanchez: Guitar
Wayne Woods: Drums
Brian Marnell: Guitar
Kinny Landrum: Keyboards
Will Lee: Additional bass
Michael Caravello: Congas, percussion
Background vocals: Brian Marnell, Lenny Kaye, Sarah Birdseye, Gwynne Rivers, Valerie
Block, Suzanne del Regno, Anne Waldman, Wayne Woods
Recorded at
Atlantic Studios, New York Engineering: Gene Paul and Dan Nash
Mastered at Atlantic Studios by George Piros
Mixed at Atlantic Studios and The Record Plant Mixed by Jon Mathias
Cover photos: Curtis Knapp Design: Lynn Dreese Breslin