Klein New Yorker Oden
(“Little New York Ode”)
German translation of selected poems from Living at the Movies
Translated by Michael Zöllner
Tropen Verlag, 1996
You may be able to find this at www.amazon.de
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Syksy 65Viesti jonka l�ysin kirjoitettuna yhdelle niist� muistilapuista joita saa kymmenell� sentill� Gussielta… Kirjoitin sen LSD-matkalla jokin aika sitten:
“Pikkulapset leikkiv�t marmorikuulilla siell� miss� oksat leikkaavat auringonpaisteen loistaviksi valons�teiksi… Haluan vain olla puhdas.”
L�ysin sen rypistettyn� n�ist� vanhoista housuista t�n� aamuna historian tunnilla. (Page 131)
From The Basketball Diaries, Penguin Edition (1987), pages 140-41.
Fall 1965
A note found on one of those little homework pads you cop for ten cents at Gussie’s . . . I wrote on an experience with L.S. D. a while ago:
“Little kids shoot marbles
where the branches break the suninto graceful shafts of light . . .
I just want to be pure.”I found it all crumbled up in these old pants in history class this morning.
For information on purchasing this translation, e-mail the publisher: nastis@nettilinja.fi.