The publications described on this page are “limited editions”– all of them are extremely rare. They are arranged in reverse chronological order (most recent first), and I have attempted to describe the salient features and provide an image whenever possible. Check out the Collecting Tips page if you’re hoping to find these items.

Hearts and Sinew
Avenida Blue (2021)
This limited-edition, hand-bound, archival quality book contains two previously unpublished pieces from 2003. The poems are inspired by two Sherlock Holmes stories, “The Cardboard Box” and “The Final Problem,” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and are part of an unfinished larger project.

Bolinas Poems
Published: November 2010
By: Jim Carroll
Publisher: Blue Press
Description: Rare (200 copies printed). Brings together 10 previously uncollected poems Carroll wrote while living in Bolinas, CA.
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River Jordan exclusive (2001)
Designed and printed by Laura Mendoza, this broadside features Carroll’s previously unpublished poem “River Jordan” illustrated with a hand-set linoleum cut drawing in blue ink. The text of the poem is set by hand using a manual printing press, with brown ink on fine sepia-colored paper (approx. 8.5″x15″). Limited to 151 copies total: 75 are numbered and signed by Jim Carroll, 75 are unnumbered, and one copy is handwritten by Carroll.

Valentine, 1995
A limited-edition (250 copies) 8.75″x5.75″ pocket folder containing poems by 18 artists, with each poem printed on colored construction paper. Carroll’s poem (published as “Valentine” in Void of Course) is printed on a thin, blue strip; he composed the poem by circling words and phrases in the editors’ query letter then numbering them to specify arrangement.

8 Fragments for Kurt Cobain
Published in Heaven Poster Series #13
White Fields Press, 1994
Broadside printed on 11″x 22″ white, glossy stock paper illustrated with a black and white photo of Carroll. Issued in limited editions of 26 signed/lettered copies (a-z) and 100 signed/numbered copies, plus a limited trade edition.

Poem, Interview, Photographs
Published in Heaven Chapbook 50
White Fields Press (1994)
This 8.75″x5.75″ chapbook is printed on white, glossy stock. It includes “8 Fragments for Kurt Cobain” (Rpt. in VoC 1-5), an interview with Carroll by Danny O’Bryan and Mark Reese, and photographs from Carroll’s reading at Twice Told Coffeehouse in Louisville October 1, 1994. Issued in a limited edition of 300, with 26 signed/lettered copies and 100 signed/numbered copies.

A Poet Dies
Walker Art Center Reading Series 1980-1981
Toothpaste Press for Bookslinger (1980)
Carroll’s is one of 20 broadsides issued for the Walker Art Center Reading Series. All copies are printed on varying shades of Canson Mi-Tientes paper; “A Poet Dies” is on maroon-colored paper. There were 125 numbered and signed copies (the copy shown here appears to be #50), with 54 complete sets of the signed/numbered edition presented in a white Fabriano folder; the label on the cover is by Al Buck. There were also 26 complete sets, lettered and signed, presented in a grey fabric-covered box.

From NYC Variations
Yanagi Broadside Series
West Coast Print Center (1977)
This broadside, designed by Marc Blane and Louis Patler, is printed in red ink on grey paper, and is illustrated with a photo of Marc Blane’s sculptured red clay images (which also illustrate the Tombouctou edition of The Basketball Diaries). Measures approximately 17″ x 11.”

“A Window in Cherry Valley”
Adventures in Poetry (1973)
Mimeographed 8.5″x11″ pamphlet containing one poem each by Jim Carroll and Lewis MacAdams, and cover illustration by George Schneeman. It was printed to promote a reading at the Poetry Project in New York. “A Window in Cherry Valley” is Carroll’s work.

4 Ups and 1 Down
Published: 1970
By: Jim Carroll
Publisher: Penny Press
Description: Rare (500 copies printed including 13 special copies). Five poems in an eight-page photocopied pamphlet. All poems are reprinted in Living at the Movies.
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Organic Trains
Published: 1967
By: Jim Carroll
Publisher: Angel Hair Press
Description: Carroll’s first book, published when he was 16 years old. The book is 17 pages long and contains 16 poems. About 500 copies were printed, but many were lost.
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