These seven poems by Jim Carroll were published in Big Sky magazine, issue #9 (1975), and nowhere else — until Kevin Opstedal compiled them into the limited edition Bolinas Poems.
For John Wieners
We read life’s
style review shaking
from pacts drawn up in past
to weep for lost loves
Kitten (self pity)
I hear kitten pawing
Cheap rug above my head
The plain fact, you see,
He is one flight closer
To a moon than I becomes
A frightening idea in my mind, almost dawn
Trying to raise the body’s warmth
I will never be twenty-three years old again.
Ju-jus weaned on jargon of light weight siblings,
Quasi-larcenous and petite . . .
acquiesce under parasols
the tudor edge
of ultra-mexicans bespecled in
polaroid filter .
. . clandestine drop-offs
substituting the
twigs of Thai
For the weeds of dill . . . cautious
of dos per diem manicure,
“con gelatin”
practitioners of
isometrics with hair
unflinching (often variegated)
facilitated via Brylcreem,
the legacy
of ambergris often
pearly-gated before
his time by heavy caliber,
followed with undesired undulation
among the trees of
I’m Living Inside Again
fuzzy jingles snail themselves
to a brain leave . . . munch
in cute arcs tired riffs of t.v. swamp
mutts snore under
finger tips
a rush of familiars
climb the spine like pegged legs
up stairs of termite feasts
a few fresh dreads
introduce themselves
over handball in the belly
hands vibrate to
of trapped elevators like epileptic hummingbirds . . .
ah yes . . .
epileptic hummingbirds . . .
rude insects clog
the pores in sweat sewers
from graceless anxiety of mother and church
an old regular jams
out record feats
of front brain solos
in heavy runs of wah-wah
hors d’oeuvres of
rich paranoia
sink the bowels to churn
this is the age where
the two mushrooms merge
vision inside the
atom bursting
like the cells of oranges crushed
persistent woes skate
the eyeballs’
frozen fear, that’s the sound
of ice caving
in . . .
For Edmund Joseph Berrigan
Lovely tones of mist sweep
off the channels of England
and the Irish sea ring
with the strength of a home,
from where you are
and from where
you come a heritage
of an older, more final poetry
fills the breath of a new age
Edmund Joseph Berrigan
born today across the cool Atlantic
here in America another
sea . . .
from this you have
and so will he
Breakfast Poem
First morning air of ocean grief
down Brighton Ave. flow like solid
raft through calm river . . . Bus gunning
engine in the grey expanse garage . . .
stuttering earth . . ..
I want you to hear
the flux
inside the shell,
the hell inside
the nun, the nun
inside the
moon . . .
Wildlife falls extinct inside tubes
burning to the touch
moaning wings slide
down my windows
like lucite tears . . . look here:
spiders somersault
from attic ceiling
like pubic hairs
rat genitals scream
across sky cathedrals
the pure logic of
massacre strokes
the corporate heart
shark blood breaks
aqua tides
in rushes like flowers offered up from young hands
horns of mountain
sheep hang from subway fans
Airconditioned blood
drips like rosaries from}
skyscraper to the cosmopolitan eye
do bison stomp snowmobile?
aborted calves drip
fetus flesh
across barbecues uptown
man paints marsh
skies with lead,
wingless . . . his head between his legs
finely clipped poodles
dreaming in penthouse
amphitheatres across mother’s molding furs.
All poems © 1974-1975 by Jim Carroll