“The Man Who Sold the World.” By Jim Carroll. New York Times Book Review, 1 Dec. 2002.
Carroll reviews Kurt Cobain’s Journals: “It’s fascinating like a car wreck, and I, for one, wish that only the music survived his death.”
“I Shot a Deer.” By Jim Carroll. Gentlemen’s Quarterly, January 2002: 113-14.
GQ asked five writers to describe a monumental “first time.” Carroll’s story isn’t what you think. (You can find this in the library . . . )
Kids Will Be Kids.” By Jim Carroll. George, Oct. 1995: 230-32.
Carroll’s review/commentary on the film Kids, directed by Larry Clark with screenplay by Harmony Korine. A rare magazine appearance by Carroll.
Message from Jim Carroll (handwritten fragment, Feb. 1996)
This is an unpublished, handwritten fragment Carroll wrote out for me for this website while awaiting his flight at the Toledo, Ohio, airport. The fragment was, at one time, part of the poem that eventually became “Sick Bird” in Void of Course.
A Poem in Process: “Sick Bird.” By Cassie Carter, 1998.
This article is a “biography” of the development of this poem from its birth to its publication in Void of Course, analyzing four revisions Carroll presented over the course of three years in handwritten verse and live performances. Includes complete texts of Carroll’s poem in all stages.
Valentine. By Jim Carroll. Valentine, February 1996.
Later published in Void of Course. Carroll composed “Valentine” by circling words and phrases in the editors’ query letter and then numbering them to specify arrangement.
Praying Mantis. By Jim Carroll. Praying Mantis, Giant 1991.
Poem and photograph from the spoken word album.
Brian Marnell: He Overcame Heroin, Then Died on the Way Back. By Joel Salvin. Source unknown, 1983.
A tribute to Brian Marnell. The opening and closing paragraphs are by Salvin, but the body of the article consists of a letter Carroll wrote to Marnell’s family.
Uncollected Works #2: Big Sky, by Jim Carroll. From Big Sky 9 (1975).
Includes seven poems not collected in Carroll’s books: “For John Wieners,” Kitten (self pity),” “Dealers,” “I’m Living Inside Again,” “For Edmund Joseph Berrigan,” “Breakfast Poem,” and “Wingless.”
Uncollected Works #3: Collaborations, by Jim Carroll with Others (various dates).
A collection of collaborations with other poets, 1968 – 1976.
Aunt Winnie fingers the thunder to learn . . ., by Ted Berrigan and Jim Carroll (1970).
A collaborative poem published in Ted Berrigan’s In The Early Morning Rain
Uncollected Works #1 by Jim Carroll.
Includes an uncollected Basketball Diaries entry, the Author’s Note from the first edition of The Basketball Diaries, and three poems: “Cops,” “Catholics on Dope,” “My Pale Skin.”
Organic Trains. By Jim Carrolll. Penny Press, 1967.
Full text of the poems in Jim Carroll’s first published book.