Since this site launched in 1996, I have received a steady stream of email from fans and others interested in Jim Carroll. Below is an index of the most frequently asked questions, categorized by topic. Click on the questions to see the answers.
Jim Carroll’s Work on the Web
Where can I find some of Jim Carroll’s full poems online?
There are a several sites on the Web that offer complete poems by Jim Carroll, and almost all of them are doing so in violation of United States copyright law. You are more than welcome to hunt for them yourself using all of the internet search engines at your disposal.
I have a website. Can I put Jim Carroll’s work on it?
Not without express written permission from Jim Carroll’s estate. Jim Carroll’s work is protected by United States copyright law.
Can I use images from on my website, flyer, article, essay, etc?
You are welcome to use any of the Press Photos, so long as you credit the photographers. Other than the press photos, most of the images appearing on are NOT the property of Before using any of them, please refer to the photo credits provided to help you locate and contact the copyright owners. Images that ARE property of include the logo caricature of Jim Carroll, design elements, and various photographs by Cassie Carter. You may contact Cassie Carter to request permission to use these.
Can I use text from for my website, flyer, article, essay, etc.?
If you wish to use any text from, you must contact the copyright owner for permission. All articles, reviews, and interviews include a byline and, if from an outside source, the name of the source. Materials from outside sources also generally carry a copyright at the bottom of the article (separate from the Jim Carroll Website copyright). If you wish to use text from an outside source, you must contact the original source via the information provided in the byline and/or copyright. If the text is a review or other material exclusive to, and the author is anyone other than Cassie Carter, you need to contact the author. If the author is Cassie Carter, or if there is no byline or any other identifying information, you should contact Cassie Carter.
Where can I find audio and video clip of Jim Carroll and the Jim Carroll Band?
Check out the audio and video pages within the Galleries section of
Where can I find guitar tabs for Jim Carroll songs?
Do a Google search for Jim Carroll guitar tabs.