These are some special feature areas on individual topics to provide more in-depth information on Jim Carroll.

Overview of Jim Carroll’s life and works (see also Biographies).

Acknowledgment and documentation of Carroll’s death

These pages offer background and context for The Basketball Diaries. It includes photos from Carroll’s high school yearbook; characters in the book; and Inwood stories by Dennis Driscoll.

These pages offer background and context for The Basketball Diaries. It includes photos from Carroll’s high school yearbook; characters in the book; and Inwood stories by Dennis Driscoll.

Virtual tours of Jim Carroll’s NYC and Bolinas, CA, plus links to other places significant in Carroll’s work and life.

This is a set of sub-pages about Carroll’s friends and influences, including Important people in Carroll’s life and work; Carroll’s influence on others; Carroll’s influence on J. O’Barr’s The Crow; and works dedicated to and about Carroll.

The Basketball Diaries Film
Commentary on and analysis of Scott Kalvert’s 1995 film, The Basketball Diaries, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (Includes Carroll’s thoughts.) school shootings
What do you know about Jim Carroll?